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Entities Details
Entities page provides chronological sync history grouped by entities.
Here each entity that were source or target entity in the past has:
- history of its synchronization (out and in)
- entities, that currently are its pairs or was in the past
- attachments list
- links to other entities
- reference to sync errors when ever the current entity was a source
- On the Entities page you can find;
- Advanced filters, that helps with more accurate search;

Sync History
- Review synchronization history for this entity

- Sync History tab contains history of deleted and active Sync and DevOps Gate Processes.
- A reference to a sync run in each grid row will open sync run details with
- logs and
- all updated entities, that were updated together with the current entity

Mapped Entities
- Review all pair entities (to which current entity was synchronized);
- Review all linked entities in the relative system;
- Review synchronized attachments and their status (
Exists in Both Systems
,Deleted Within the Current System
,Deleted in the Synchronized System